About Us

Who We ARE

The Collingwood Lawn Bowling Club membership is made up of residents from Collingwood and surrounding communities as well as regular visitors to the area.  Members enjoy moderate exercise in a game that is easy to learn but hard to master in a very social and friendly environment.  The club is volunteer run with everyone who can, pitching in so that we have a fun and safe environment to play
the game of Lawn Bowling.  The club offers opportunities for members to participate in regional competitions for those interested in more challenging play and in friendly tournaments with other clubs.  The club plays several times a week where we play in the “jitney” format – come when you can and teams will be made up based on who shows up.  The CLBC is an open and friendly club and new members are always welcome.

Collingwood Lawn Bowling Club


as elected at the 2023 AGM, held Oct 22, 2023, and updated by the Constitution in Jan, 2023.

Jane Moore
Vice President
David Keith
Past President
Bob Adamson
Carolyn Hart


as appointed by the elected Officers

Games & Events
David Keith
Jane Wallace
Brian Jeffrey
Tom Bell
Joan Wessinger
Club House/Property
Danielle Anderson
Coaching Team Leads
Jane Moore
Caroll Williams


The sport, called bowls in England, is quite old, deriving from a game first developed in Egypt 5000 years ago.  The objective of the game is simply for your ball to get closer to the “jack”, another white little ball, than your opponent’s.  There are many variations in different cultures on this theme: bocce (Italian), bolla (Saxon), bolle (Danish), boules (French) and ula miaka (Polynesian).  The bowls, originally made of wood, were round and rolled as straight as the ground allowed.  It’s believed that the “bias” was accidentally introduced in 1522 by the Duke of Suffolk.  His bowl had split after striking other bowls and he took a knob off of a stairway banister post for a replacement.  The flat side of the knob caused it to roll with an arc (bias) and he experimented by curving his bowl around the bowls of his opponents.  Word spread, and biased bowls gradually came into use.  Biased bowls now support many different curves or biases as well as having sizes and weights to accommodate hands of all sizes and players having varying abilities and preference.  Lawn bowling was brought to Canada by British garrison officers; the first bowling green in Canada was constructed on the garrison grounds at Annapolis Royal, NS.  The Canadian Lawn Bowling Council was formed in 1931 with 93 affiliated clubs and nearly 3,000 members.  It now embraces six provincial Associations – Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, and Quebec.  Now there are 320 men’s clubs with 16,725 members


The Collingwood Lawn Bowling Club (CLBC) was incorporated in November 1984, and with a healthy budget raised through donations, sponsors, members, the Town of Collingwood and grants, a lease was signed for the landing site and construction soon began… The CLBC was officially opened in May 1996.  While the Town of Collingwood owns the greens and club house, the CLBC takes care of the club with a greenskeeper and volunteer
members pitching in.  In 2002 washrooms and a jack shack were added and then gazebos and shade structures next to the clubhouse.  Nestled comfortably amidst its bigger park neighbours, the Curling Club and the YMCA, the CLBC is a true gem!  Today the club is an ongoing concern with members of ages.  It is an open and friendly club and new members are always welcome.